Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

When it comes to setting up an integrated development environment (IDE)↗, programming applications on the Electroneum Smart Chain is similar to programming any other software project. There are many options to choose from, so at the end of the day, pick the IDE or code editor that best suits your preferences. Most likely the best IDE choice for your Electroneum Smart Chain development is the IDE you already use for traditional software development.

Web-based IDEs

If you're looking to fiddle with code before you set up a local development environment, these web apps are custom-built for Ethereum smart contract development and works with the Electroneum Smart Chain.

Remix↗ - Web-based IDE with built in static analysis, and a test blockchain virtual machine

ChainIDE↗ - A cloud-based multi-chain IDE

Tenderly Sandbox↗ - A fast prototyping environment where you can write, execute, and debug smart contracts in the browser using Solidity and JavaScript

EthFiddle↗ - Web-based IDE that lets you write, compile, and debug your smart contract

Desktop IDEs

Most established IDEs have built plugins to enhance the Electroneum Smart Chain development experience. At a minimum, they provide syntax highlighting for smart contract languages.

Visual Studio Code - Professional cross-platform IDE with official Ethereum support

Atom - A hackable text editor for the 21st Century

JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, etc.) - Essential tools for software developers and teams

Remix Desktop - Experience Remix IDE on your local machine

Plugins and Extensions

Further Reading

Last updated